
Serving others is an essential part of living out our faith.

At Mountain View, our purpose for Missions is to put God’s love into action.

MUST Ministries

MUST Ministries provides financial assistance to families who are going through difficult times. They provide food, lodging, educational opportunities, and job placement.

We invite and encourage people to bring non-perishable foods for their Food Bank. There is a large MUST Ministries bin in the East entrance of the Sanctuary, and your donations will provide direct and immediate support to people in our community.


Angels in Action

Our Mountain View Angels love to gather to work on special projects, to help the community, and to do outreach projects. Service projects include KSU C.A.R.E. (helping students at Kennesaw State dealing with homelessness or who may be struggling) and Women at Risk International. You will often find the Angels helping with all kinds of projects and meals around the church.  The Angels meet the first Thursday of the month at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall.


Our new SWATeam ministry involves us going out into our local community to serve others. SWATeam projects will take place on Saturdays and could involve building a wheelchair ramp or doing minor home repairs and yardwork for elderly members of our community. Even if you don’t know how to use a drill, there will be other ways for you to serve (and someone can patiently teach you to use a drill!) We will have more details coming up. If you feel led to organize some SWATeam projects, please reach out to Dr. Joe.


At Thanksgiving, we work with area schools to find families who may be struggling, and we show them the love of Jesus by providing them with food items, along with gift cards for fresh Thanksgiving turkeys.

Good Samaritan Fund

In addition to providing support for various missions and ministries, many individuals in our community reach out for help, and our Good Samaritan Fund allows us to provide direct assistance to them. We may provide them with a motel room for a couple of nights, or give them gas cards or gifts cards to area grocery stores.